
FTS Yuva

FTS Yuva, the youth wing of FTS, was established in 2018 with just four chapters and comprises members aged 18-45 years. It currently operates across 25 chapters and engages youth in various activities aimed at promoting awareness of the organization and to serve the community. FTS Yuva acts as a flag bearer for the values and processes of FTS, instilling a ‘Nation First’ mindset and promoting Sanatan Sanskriti among the youth. 

FTS Yuva samity is committed to ensuring that all citizens of different age groups develop a strong sense of patriotism.

With this objective in mind, FTS Yuva samity conducts all its activities aimed at instilling patriotism among young citizens.

About FTS Yuva



The objective of FTS Yuva is to serve as the flag bearer of the thoughts and processes of Friends of Tribals Society (FTS), while instilling a “Nation first” mindset and promoting Sanatan Dharma among the youth. 

The current education policy does not adequately foster a sense of patriotism in students, either through schools or within families. To address this, FTS Yuva is committed to ensuring that all citizens under the age of 45 develop a strong sense of patriotism.  

With this objective in mind, FTS Yuva will conduct all its activities aimed at instilling patriotism among young citizens. 


  1. Cultural Connect 
  2. Nation Building 

iii. Awareness & Outreach Campaign 

  1. Women Empowerment Project 
  2. Plantation and Nutrition projects (Environment awareness program) 
  3. Festival celebration     

vii. Fundraising Events